5 Easy ways to move more without a complete lifestyle overhaul

5 Easy ways to move more without a complete lifestyle overhaul

Last updated on 8th May, 2023 at 11:27 am

Deciding to improve your lifestyle is never easy. And letting go of old habits and adopting healthy alternatives can be challenging and even, at times, disheartening. However, introducing more physical movement into your daily life without changing it completely is not entirely impossible.

Reading time: 3 minutes

In this article you’ll learn:

  • Why basic daily physical moment is important for overall health and wellbeing.
  • Surprising but easy ways you can introduce physical movement into your daily life.
  • How your Planet Fitness and Planet Fitness JustGym benefits can help you stay active and save.

If you lead a more sedentary lifestyle (eg as an office worker), moving more doesn’t need to mean hitting the gym three to four times a week or participating in marathons. It’s about finding simple ways to increase your physical activity levels, with the potential to build on this. By adding these easy strategies into your daily routine, you can improve your health, boost your energy levels, and ultimately lead a more active lifestyle.

1. Park your car a little further away from the office

A simple way to increase your daily step count is to park as far away as possible from your office (or your intended destination) to allow more distance for walking. “Even a small change in walking distance can add up over time,” says Wendy van Wyk, registered biokineticist and certified ergonomics risk auditor at Ergonomicsdirect.

Did you know you can earn tier points just for moving? Participate in outdoor events or go to the gym and earn up to 15 000 tier points in a calendar year.

2. Replace boardroom meetings with walking catch-ups

Have a 15-minute catch-up scheduled with a colleague? Suggest stepping outside for a bit to breathe in the fresh air. “Little bursts of movement throughout the day are a great way to get your blood flowing,” says van Wyk.

Curious about the best type of exercise for you? Read this to find out.

3. Use your wait time wisely

Wait time is something you can’t avoid. Whether it’s waiting for your food to warm in the office microwave or for a batch of papers to print, you can use this time efficiently by doing a few gentle stretches or walking on the spot for five minutes.

4. Alternate between sitting and standing

“Prolonged sitting can have an adverse effect on your health. It can also increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and poor circulatory health,” cautions van Wyk. “Instead, invest in a sit-standing desk, coupled with an anti-fatigue mat.” Alternatively, opt to walk around or stand at an elevated surface, at short intervals.

Blood pressure and heart disease are intrinsically linked. Here’s how to keep your blood pressure in check.

5. Desk-ercise

Ansulet Scheepers, regional sales specialist and regional group training support at Planet Fitness Head Office, suggests these three desk exercise moves to keep your body moving:

Stop the chair slouch with shoulder rolls and shrugs

  • Start by rolling your shoulders forward and back.
  • Then, shrug your shoulders towards your ears and then drop them back down.

Work those triceps with chair dips

  • Sit at the edge of the chair with your hands on either side of your glutes, fingers over the front edge of the chair.
  • Position your feet on the floor with knees bent at 90 degrees.
  • Lower your torso toward the ground, bending your elbows, and then straighten your arms. Repeat 12 times.

Improve ankle mobility with toe taps 

  • Sit at your desk with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Then, lift your toes and heels off the floor. Remember to tighten your core and keep your back straight.
  • Then, tap your toes on the ground, followed by your heels.
  • Repeat the taps 3 to 4 times.

As a Sanlam Reality member, you have access to discounted gym fees at Planet Fitness and Planet Fitness JustGym! Save up to 80% on your monthly gym fee! If you have limited time to travel to a gym, enjoy online classes. Learn more about your gym benefits here.

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