Four tips to remember when shopping online

Four tips to remember when shopping online

Last updated on 3rd May, 2024 at 01:39 pm

With endless shopping options at your fingertips, here’s how to navigate the world of online marketplaces so you don’t get carried away beyond what your budget can manage.

Reading time: 4 minutes

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How to avoid impulse buying online
  • A helpful hack to make sure you get the best deals online
  • What to look out for when shopping online


Online shopping has never been more accessible than in today’s hyper-digital world. From the comfort of your own home, you can browse through a seemingly endless offering of products and have them delivered to wherever you are with just a few clicks.

However, with all the convenience and excitement that comes with getting your goods online, it’s easy to fall into the trap of overspending and impulse buying, fueled by data-driven discounts and promos that are more tailored to your personal habits than you realise.

With that in mind, here are four things to keep in mind when shopping online.


1. Resist the impulse itch

One of the biggest pitfalls of online shopping is the ease with which you can succumb to impulse buys (versus simply walking past those big ‘SALE’ signs on storefronts ). With flashy deals and tempting discounts at every click, it’s so easy to simply “add to cart” as you scroll along.

To avoid impulse buys, place your items on a wish list first. Then, wait a day (or even a few days for more expensive items) to reassess whether your purchase is necessary and if you can afford it.


2. Compare, compare, compare

If you have a particular item you need to buy, take the time to compare its price on various sites. In your comparison, remember to factor in delivery costs and even the time it will take to get your purchase in hand.

This may seem like unnecessary admin, but you may find your item at a better price elsewhere than at your initial shopping site.


3. Focus on quality over quantity

It is tempting to stock up on cheaply made items, but investing in higher-quality products can save you money in the long run. That’s because quality items are usually made to last longer and often come with better warranties and customer support.

Plus, opting for sustainable and ethically sourced products benefits the environment and responsible businesses.

Reading product reviews before you purchase an item helps you ensure you’re buying quality products.


4. Local is (still) lekker

Many local brands and outlets offer online marketplaces where you can buy locally made products. It is often easier to get customer support from local businesses, and delivery times are usually shorter. You also skip paying fees at customs.

Buying local also means that you support local communities and industries, which has a significantly positive effect on the economy.


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