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Uber Trips
Save as much as 30% on transfers to and from Cape Town, O R Tambo, Lanseria, Port Elizabeth and King Shaka international airports. Our Uber after-hours benefit is available between 10pm and 4am. If you qualify for this benefit, please check the discount voucher in your Uber Wallet for the current after-hours period. Reality Plus members receive discounts on UberGo, UberX and Uber Black. Reality Core and Wealth Bonus Lifestyle members receive discounts on UberGo and UberX.
- How it works
- What are my benefits?
![Uber Trips](/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/18560_Infographic_desktop_750x99999_8_750x99999_8.png)
- Bronze Silver Gold
Reality Plus
Bronze20% Discount on UberGo, UberX and Uber BlackSilver25% Discount on UberGo, UberX and Uber BlackGold30% Discount on UberGo, UberX and Uber Black
Reality Plus
Bronze20% Discount on UberGo, UberX and Uber BlackSilver25% Discount on UberGo, UberX and Uber BlackGold30% Discount on UberGo, UberX and Uber Black
Reality Core
Bronze20% Discount on UberGo and UberXSilver25% Discount on UberGo and UberXGold30% Discount on UberGo and UberX
Reality Core
Bronze20% Discount on UberGo and UberXSilver25% Discount on UberGo and UberXGold30% Discount on UberGo and UberX
The benefit table below applies to memberships that don’t earn tier points.
- Wealth Bonus Lifestyle benefits
- 20% Discount on UberGo and UberX (after hours only)
- Reality Club
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- Reality Access for Fedhealth
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- Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for Sanlam Corporate
- 20% Discount on UberGo and UberX (after hours only)
- Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for MiWay
- 20% Discount on UberGo and UberX (after hours only)
Experience this with
Airport Lounge Access
Enjoy complimentary lounge access at all SA's major airports.
Learn more