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Get fit the fun and affordable way at JustGym with discounts of as much as 60% off your monthly gym fees.

Please note: The percentages outlined in the table below are awarded to members with qualifying Sanlam products. If you do not have a qualifying Sanlam product, you will receive a lower discount of 20% per month. Click here for more information.
Monthly visits0-5 times/month6-11 times/month+12 times/month
Reality PlusSeldom
5 times/month
25% offModerate
6-11 times/month
50% offFrequent
+12 times/month
80% off
Reality CoreSeldom
5 times/month
20% offModerate
6-11 times/month
40% offFrequent
+12 times/month
60% off
Reality ClubSeldom
5 times/month
20% offModerate
6-11 times/month
40% offFrequent
+12 times/month
60% off
Wealth Bonus Lifestyle benefitsSeldom
5 times/month
20% offModerate
6-11 times/month
20% offFrequent
+12 times/month
20% off
Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for Sanlam CorporateSeldom
5 times/month
20% offModerate
6-11 times/month
20% offFrequent
+12 times/month
20% off
Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for MiWaySeldom
5 times/month
20% offModerate
6-11 times/month
20% offFrequent
+12 times/month
20% off

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Save as much as 80% on monthly fees.

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