Surviving the school holidays: a parents’ guide

Surviving the school holidays: a parents’ guide

Last updated on 30th November, 2023 at 11:22 am

Welcome to school break – or as parents call it, “How did these kids get so much energy, and where’s the off button?”

Reading time: 3 minutes 

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • About fun activities for the whole family.
  • Why you need to budget for the school holidays.
  • Why parents should look after themselves, too.

The school holidays, while a delightful break from routines for children, can often be a challenging period for parents. Balancing childcare, personal commitments, and work can become overwhelming. However, with a bit of smart strategising, you can not only survive but also enjoy this time with your kids. Here’s how.

1. Plan fun family activities

The key to keeping children entertained and engaged during the holidays is planning a variety of age-appropriate activities. Aim for activities that don’t just pass the time but also stimulate young minds and create opportunities for family bonding. Consider:

  • Educational outings to museums or historical sites
  • Arts and crafts projects that offer a creative outlet
  • Baking sessions
  • Simple sports, hiking, or beach outings
  • Outdoor activities

“I have two young, high-energy kids who are aspiring wildlife biologists,” says Cape Town mother Jen Morin. “Most activities need to be outdoors and preferably include some kind of wildlife, which luckily includes worms, interesting bugs and snails. We’re fortunate to have a beautiful climate so it’s easy to head outdoors all year – we usually hit the beach to hunt in rock pools, botanical gardens, or venues that are child friendly, like wine farms. If we need some indoor time, the aquarium is usually our first choice.”

2. Budget for holiday activities

Finances can be strained during school holidays making budgeting important. Set a realistic holiday budget that covers outings, extra household costs, and emergencies. Opt for educational shows on Showmax, turning screen time into learning opportunities. As a Sanlam Reality member, you can enjoy up to 5 months’ streaming on Showmax ­– on us. Activate your benefit today.

You can also explore community events, many of which are free. Public libraries, community centres, and local parks often host holiday events for families. Remember, fun doesn’t have to be expensive!

3. Balance screen time

Excessive screen time for kids is a significant concern, more so during holidays. Try to set clear daily limits for TV, gaming, and social media, encouraging your children to spend time outdoors or reading. Consider app blockers or parental controls and make sure you’re supplying plenty of alternative activities to fill the gap. Most importantly, be a role model by managing your own screen time effectively.

4. Include fun learning opportunities

While holidays should be relaxing, they can also be intellectually stimulating. You can include educational experiences by:

  • Visiting science centres
  • Organising nature walks with ecological lessons
  • Starting a small book club with your children and their friends

Everyday activities can also be a learning opportunity: cooking can teach science and maths, while grocery shopping can help with budgeting and planning skills.

Find five holiday financial literacy lessons for your kids, here.

5. Look after yourself, too

Self-care is crucial for parents. School holidays can be exhausting, so it’s essential to recharge. Here are a few tips:

  • Share responsibilities with other parents by taking turns supervising playdates
  • Consider family activities that also serve as relaxation, such as an evening walk
  • Don’t feel guilty about taking a break as happy, relaxed parents are better able to care for their children and make holidays enjoyable for everyone

Surviving school holidays requires planning, creativity, and a bit of self-compassion. While these breaks from routine are primarily for the kids, they also offer parents an opportunity to engage, reconnect, and learn together as a family.

So, embrace the chaos, plan with care, and don’t forget to carve out a little time for yourself.

Need more inspiration? Why not browse the Sanlam Group ENTERTAINER – with 100s of 2-fo-1 deals and discounts, you’re sure to find something for the family.

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