5 Questions to ask yourself before quitting your job

5 Questions to ask yourself before quitting your job

Last updated on 13th March, 2024 at 06:01 pm

Don’t submit your letter of resignation before you consider these five important things.

Reading time: 3 minutes

In this article, you’ll learn

  • Why more people are leaving their jobs right now
  • 5 Things you should consider before you quit

Have you been considering leaving your current job? People have many reasons for craving a change, ranging from wanting to pivot in their career, take a sabbatical or go out on their own. The ‘Great Resignation’ trend started in the USA around 2021 and South Africa has not been left out, with more than half of terminations in the last two years being a result of employees quitting – much of which has to do with job and remuneration dissatisfaction as well as inflexibility.

Some people also make career moves because they are concerned about job safety. “I have seen a growing concern surrounding job security, caused by factors such as corporate mergers and acquisitions and the weak macro job market in South Africa resulting in budget cuts and restructuring for cost-saving purposes,” explains Nike Wadds, career coach and owner of Stand Tall Consulting. “This creates an unsettling environment and low morale within the workplace.”

That being said, you shouldn’t resign until you have a plan. “Before leaving a position voluntarily, you should ideally have another opportunity lined up or have a well-researched plan regarding your next career move.”

Are you thinking about taking the plunge and submitting your formal letter of resignation? Not so fast! Here are five things to consider first. Because you’d rather be safe than sorry!

1. Why do I want to leave?

Are the reasons you’re unhappy in your job temporary or permanent? Is there anything you could change to feel more fulfilled? “Analyse the reasons for being dissatisfied with your current position or employer and identify what you are looking for from your next career move,” advises Wadds. That way, you won’t find yourself in the same type of environment.

2. If things changed, would I stay?

Sometimes, we can become miserable in our workplace due to something new or temporary and, if changed, would eliminate our need to jump ship. “Try and establish what solutions could be put forward to your employer that could make a positive change and improve your job satisfaction, career advancement and personal development,” suggests Wadds. Is that possible, and are you willing to suggest change?

3. Have I rushed into this decision?

“Ask yourself if your need to leave is due to a conflict or incident, or have you thoroughly thought this through,” says Wadds. “A spur-of-the-moment decision driven by emotion will negatively affect your ability to make good career choices or drive you to quit without having a position to go to or the financial means to support yourself.”

4. How does my current role compare?

Have you checked what’s out there? Your current role might be better than the next one. “List all the pros and cons to ensure that the positives for the potential new opportunity significantly outweigh those of your current job,” explains Wadds. That way, you can assess if the grass really is greener on the other side.

5. Will leaving put me on the path to achieving my goals?

What are your career goals? This should also play a factor in your decision-making. “Goals will be very different for each individual and could include anything from improved financial security and career advancement to flexible working or reduced hours,” says Wadds. Figure out yours so that you can find a job that works for you.

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