Terms and Conditions

Benefits : Personal Services

Online Education by Boston

This benefit is available to Reality Club, Core, Plus and members with Wealth Bonus Lifestyle benefits.

  • Sanlam Reality has partnered with Online Education by Boston to offer two education products to qualifying Sanlam Reality members:
    • A free supplementary schooling platform for Grades 8-12
    • A discounted replacement schooling platform
    • A free social and emotional learning platform for all
  • The replacement schooling platform offers access to the following curricula that members can choose from:
    • CAPS – FET phase Grades 10-12
    • Cambridge
    • Lower secondary stages 7, 8 and 9
  • Learners and parents/guardians can choose to register for the supplementary platform, the discounted replacement schooling platform and/or the social and emotional learning platform.
  • Learners and parents/guardians must be registered on either platform to use this benefit.
  • Online Education by Boston offers students the South African CAPS curriculum in distance mode through advanced online learning.
  • CAPS (Curriculum Policy Assessment Statements) is the curriculum developed by the South African government, for the purpose of achieving the National Senior Certificate.
  • Boston’s CAPS is authorised by the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), which is the assessment body provisionally accredited with Umalusi (the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education Training) for all South African Grades 10 – 12 distance education.
  • Members who register for Online Education by Boston supplementary schooling will receive timetabled live online classes, video lessons, e-books and diagnostic tools to analyse results.
  • Members who register for Online Education by Boston replacement schooling will have access to the above and will be given the option of booking live online lessons with a subject matter specialist teacher, and also have the opportunity to ask questions.
  • Students must access their lessons on the Boston online portal. Lessons are in video format and have been created by the top industry teachers in their fields of study. Students can watch classes at any time and at their own pace.
  • Online Education by Boston produces its own e-books that summarise topics for certain CAPS subjects. Students will receive their subject e-books in addition to their video classes.
  • Members who register for Online Education by Boston replacement schooling will participate in the sophisticated artificial intelligent diagnostics built into the online platform. The proactive diagnostics also work proactively and notify parents and teachers when a student is in need of assistance.
  • The teachers at Online Education by Boston are all SACE-registered and -licensed teachers, and experts in their fields of specialisation. With experience and prowess, our teachers not only deliver online education, but take full advantage of the benefits and enhanced tools that are available only through online learning.
  • The following subjects are offered on the CAPS curriculum:
    • FET Phase: Grades 10-12
  • Compulsory:
    • English Home Language
    • Life Orientation
  • Second Language:
    • Afrikaans Second Additional Language (or)
    • Zulu Second Additional Language
  • Math Level:
    • Core Mathematics (or)
    • Mathematical Literacy
  • Electives
  • (Minimum 3 subjects)
    • Science
    • History
    • Geography
    • Accounting
    • Business Studies
    • Technology
    • Music
    • Tourism
    • Drama
  • Sanlam Reality qualifying members have access to the Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum framework, which covers Stages 7 to 9, relating to the approximate age range 11-14 years. However, if the student starts school later, you can use the stages more flexibly to meet his/her needs.
  • The Lower Secondary Checkpoint (LSC) course prepares students for successful completion of their Cambridge programme. The IGCSE programme encompasses Grades 10-11.
  • Online Education by Boston offers only English, Science and Mathematics for the Lower Secondary Checkpoint level.
  • Online Education by Boston considers language, mathematics and science as important core subjects needed to transition students to the Cambridge curriculum for the next level in their academic careers.
  • The aim of the Cambridge LSC:
    • Cambridge LSC is designed to be used at the end of Stage 9. This is typically when learners are approximately 14 years old. It provides the foundations for Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level.
  • What are included in the discounted course fees?
    • A timetable of live classes
    • Videos
    • e-books that summarise the topics
    • Diagnostics
    • Detailed reporting
  • Formal Cambridge Checkpoint exams will be written after a student has successfully completed his/her 2-year course in November.
  • For English, Mathematics and Science, Cambridge LSC exams at the end of the course are marked in full by Cambridge International. Teachers mark the work and Cambridge moderates the marking.

Emergency Medical Response

This benefit applies to Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for Sanlam Corporate members.

Emergency medical services will only be provided within the borders of South Africa.

The term “member” in relation to this benefit refers to the member, the member’s spouse or the member’s child.

  • Sanlam Reality has partnered with FMS (a division of the Adcorp Group) to bring you this benefit.
  • FMS will provide a member (or caller on their behalf) with advice and information regarding any emergency medical condition by telephone. This allows for emergency assistance to be immediately be provided to a member suffering illness or injury until a medical team arrives at the scene. The advice and information will be regarded as such and not as an accurate or definite diagnosis of any condition any person might suffer.
  • FMS will ensure that an immediate emergency response is dispatched by road or air to the scene of the medical emergency. Where needed, advanced life-saving resuscitation will be provided to a member. Where necessary, the member will be stabilised before transportation is provided to the closest appropriate medical facility.
  • In all life-threatening medical emergencies, FMS will ensure that a member is transported by road or air to the most appropriate hospital that can effectively manage that particular condition.
  • If lifesaving emergency medications or emergency blood products (excluding standard routine delivery and/or charges for blood) are required which cannot be obtained at the medical facility responsible for the member’s treatment, FMS will ensure that such emergency medication will be transported to the member.
  • FMS will provide a refundable guarantee of payment at the emergency room to the maximum value of R2 000 that ensures immediate and appropriate medical care for the member at a medical facility. Such deposits are refundable within 30 days.
  • FMS makes use of the services of medical and nursing practitioners who will telephonically provide medical advice and information. The advice and information includes:
    1. General medical advice;
    2. Chemical substance misuse or abuse;
    3. Data concerning referrals to hospitals, doctors, dentists and pharmacies;
    4. Medical travel information and advice;
    5. Generic medicine advice;
    6. Provider information and/or referral where applicable.
    7. The advice and information will not be regarded as accurate diagnoses of any physical conditions.
  • Any member who is hospitalised away from their normal place of residence and requires medical assistance in order to return, will be repatriated by FMS by road or air (whichever is the most appropriate, to their hometown, hospital or residence within the area). In the event that death occurs whilst the member is away from home, repatriation of the member’s mortal remains will be performed to the funeral home of the member’s choice.
  • In the event that any minors are left stranded due to a medical emergency occurring whilst away from home, arrangements will be made to accompany the minors back to their residence or to another place of safety (family, family friend, police or social services), on condition that at least one of the latter is in the area.
  • In the event of a member being hospitalised following a medical emergency, FMS will arrange – on request – for a family member to visit the member. The cost covered by FMS for such visit shall be limited to R1 000 (one thousand rand) per incident.
  • FMS will have the right to make decisions and take action after having considered available medical evidence as to what it deems to be in the best interest of the person calling for assistance. Based on the aforementioned, FMS will determine the timing and mode of transportation or repatriation.

Trauma, Assault & HIV Assist

This benefit applies to Reality Club and Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for Sanlam Corporate members.

Trauma, Assault & HIV assistance will only be provided within the borders of South Africa.

The term “member” in relation to this benefit refers to the member, the member’s spouse or the member’s child. The term “family” refers to the social group made up of the member, the member’s spouse and the member’s children.

This service makes provision for a 24/7 emergency assistance helpline, which will arrange for the necessary help a member may require in a situation where assault, exposure to HIV or any other trauma occurs.

The member will receive medical treatment for assault.

Assault is defined as “a bodily injury sustained by violent external and visible means”.

The member may be referred for psychological counselling from a public trauma centre or a private institution in the event of the member experiencing any of the following traumas:

  • Rape / Sexual assault
  • Hi-jacking
  • Child abuse
  • Suicide or death of close family members
  • Domestic violence and/or abuse
  • Kidnapping / Abduction
  • Woman abuse
  • Armed robbery and assault
  • Shooting

Only telephonic counselling will also be available for the following additional events:

  • Miscarriages
  • Divorce (short-term help)
  • Motor Vehicle Accident
  • Industrial Accident
  • Diagnosis with a serious illness

Should face-to-face counselling or treatment be required for these additional events, resource nurses will refer the member to an appropriate medical professional – the cost of which will be for the member’s account.

Ongoing support in the management of diagnosis with a serious illness event will not be covered. A list of the appropriate specialists is available for recommendation to the member should on-going support for the same incident be required.

The HIV protection service provides the member with peace of mind, because in the event of a violent assault such as rape or any other accidental exposure such as a needle prick with a contaminated needle, the member has access to hospital care, treatment and diagnostic regimes for the management of the consequences.

The imminence of HIV/Aids will often cause the trauma to be of a more intense nature; therefore the member will also receive psychological counselling.

Trauma & Assault

  • The helpline will arrange the nearest local emergency assistance service for the member, as well as providing emergency transport to the nearest, most appropriate medical facility as a result of a bodily injury. Where necessary, the member will be stabilised before transportation is provided. (Note: Inter-hospital transfers are not included.)
  • The helpline is manned by professional resource nurses, maintaining a high level of service.
  • The benefit for medical treatment for assault is limited to R5 000 (five-thousand rand) per member, per incident, with an overall maximum of R10 000 (ten-thousand rand) per family, per incident.
  • The resource nurses may also assist with referrals for psychiatric consultations in the event of a trauma, the cost of which will be for the member’s account, except in the case of the following traumas:
    1. Rape / Sexual Assault
    2. Hi-jacking
    3. Child abuse
    4. Suicide or death of close family members
    5. Domestic violence and/or abuse
    6. Kidnapping / Abduction
    7. Woman abuse, etc.
    8. Armed robbery and assault
    9. Shooting
  • The benefit for psychiatric consultations, where relevant, in addition to the above amount in respect of an assault is limited to R5 000 (five thousand rand) per member, per incident, and is capped at R10 000 (ten thousand rand) per family, per incident.

HIV Protection Treatment

  • The HIV Protection Treatment Service enables the member to make use of, at his/her own discretion, of the following services:
    1. Access to trauma counsellors via a 24/7 helpline, providing telephonic trauma and HIV counselling as well as telephonic counselling for post-traumatic stress disorder;
    2. For violent or accidental exposure to HIV, 3 (three) psychiatric consultations (per incident) with a specialist, which can be either a general practitioner, trauma trained registered nurse or trauma counsellor, if the member is HIV positive at the time of the event;
    3. For violent or accidental exposure to HIV, 3 (three) HIV blood tests (per incident): one immediately after the event and the second and third at 6 (six) weeks and 3 (three) months respectively. Should the client be HIV positive at the time of the initial blood test, further testing will not be covered.
    4. Provided that the violent or accidental exposure to HIV has been established, and strictly on the treating doctor’s orders, if the person is HIV negative (following a rapid test) at the time of the event, he/she will also be provided access to:
    5. A 30-day starter pack of antiretroviral medication, if the event is reported within 72 hours after it occurred;
    6. A 7-day course of STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) medication;
    7. A ‘morning-after pill’ to prevent pregnancy (for women who are raped);
    8. Registration for an HIV management programme, where applicable;
    9. 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year telephonic access to HIV counselling centre for information, advice and support;
    10. In the event of violent exposure to HIV, each survivor will be handled by a case counsellor for a period of 12 months post incident. This will be done telephonically on a monthly basis. Treatment costs are excluded.
  • Provided that the violent or accidental exposure to HIV has been established, should the person be HIV positive at the time of the event, he/she will be provided access to:
    1. 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year telephonic trauma counselling;
    2. 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year telephonic HIV counselling;
    3. 3 (three) consultations (per incident) with a specialist, either a general practitioner, trauma trained registered nurse or trauma counsellor;
    4. A 7-day course of STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) medication;
    5. A ‘morning-after pill’ to prevent pregnancy (for women who are raped).
    6. Compensation will not be payable as a result of the members:
    7. Participation in any riot, civil commotion, labour disturbance, strike or lockout or public disorder or any act of activity which is calculated or directed to bring these about;
    8. Wilful misconduct;
  • Performance or attempt to perform:
    1. Any act on behalf of any organisation, body or group of persons calculated or directed to overthrow or influence any state or government, or any provincial, local or tribal authority with force, or by means of fear, terrorism or violence.
    2. Any act which is calculated or directed to bring about destruction or damage or bodily injury in order to further any political aim, objective or cause, or to bring about any social or economic change or in protest against any state or government or any provincial, local or tribal authority for the purpose of inspiring fear in the public or any section thereof.
  • Should an HIV infection claim not be reported within 72 hours after the event occurred, the service provider cannot accept the claim for the HIV protection medication, although members can still make use of our telephonic advice and trauma counselling. This exclusion pertains to the fact that the antiretroviral medication (starter pack) will no longer be effective after expiry of 72 hours.
  • Any claim which is in any respect fraudulent.
  • Loss, damage or bodily injury deliberately caused by the member or any person acting in collusion with the member, consequential loss or damage except as specifically provided.

Burial Repatriation & Funeral Support

This benefit is available to Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for Sanlam Corporate members.

The Burial Repatriation & Funeral Support benefit is a service that allows for the transport of the deceased insured’s body back home, to the final funeral home closest to the place of burial in South Africa. The service applies to:

  • The principal insured;
  • Their qualifying spouse and dependent children,

insured in terms of a Sanlam Corporate policy.

The service includes:

  • Transportation of the deceased:
    1. Via road or air;
    2. From anywhere in South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia or Mozambique (south of the 22° latitude) to the funeral home in South Africa closest to the place of burial.
  • Accompanying the deceased, if the death occurs in South Africa:
    1. Transportation arrangements for a single relative to accompany the mortal remains to the final funeral home;
    2. Overnight accommodation (for a single relative).
  • Access to the benefit:
    1. The insured’s next of kin can access this benefit, either by themselves or via the principal insured’s employer, by calling our specialised call centre on 0860 004 080.
    2. Calls can be answered in any one of the official languages of South Africa.

These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Qualifying spouse definition:

The spouse of the member, including a party to a customary marriage concluded in accordance with the applicable indigenous law as well as a union concluded between parties married in accordance with the doctrines of any recognised religion or tradition, as well as a partner to a civil partnership in terms of the Civil Union Act, 2008, a common law spouse or life partner, provided that such partner, common law spouse or life partner is nominated by the member and that the member provides, upon request, satisfactory proof of such permanency of his/her relationship with his/her life partner. A maximum of 1 spouse shall qualify as spouse for this purpose.

Qualifying child definition:

A child of a member, 25 years or younger, including a stepchild or legally adopted child.

Special cultural preference

The surviving family’s special cultural preferences regarding the transportation of the deceased will be taken into account to ensure that special care is taken to meet these preferences.

Other services

Other services that are aimed at simplifying the death/burial for the family, are also available:

  • Assistance and advice on claims procedures is provided to the surviving family;
  • If necessary, legal assistance can be arranged to assist with the interpretation of the will and the management of the necessary documentation;
  • Advice can be provided on matters such as obtaining a death certificate and cross-border documentation;
  • Referral to a pathologist can be made if an autopsy is necessary;
  • Referral to reputable funeral parlours and providers of other funeral services such as catering and transport can be made, and clients benefit from our experience and knowledge of suitable providers; and
  • Assistance can be provided when looking for a tombstone supplier.

Personal Assistant

  • The use of the PA benefit shall be at the member’s own initiative and risk.
  • The PA merely provides access to products and services; the service makes no representations, gives no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the suitability to the member’s needs.
  • The PA products and services are subject to availability although every possible alternative or substitute product will be investigated should availability be limited.
  • Sanlam Reality, its agents and distributors accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for the misuse of the PA benefit, and are not liable for any personal loss or injury at featured venues or through the use of suppliers.
  • The Sanlam Reality member will be responsible for the payment of any goods and services bought and used as a result of making use of the PA benefit.
  • Only a Sanlam Reality member and his/her immediate family who reside at the same residence can make use of the PA benefit.
  • The Sanlam Reality member understands and agrees that goods or services purchased from any PA partners are governed by separate terms and conditions imposed by a partner in respect of the goods and services purchased from the partner.