Risk profiling questionnaire

Risk profiling questionnaire

Last updated on 23rd January, 2018 at 03:20 pm

Complete a risk profiling questionnaire to find out your appetite for investment risk.

An investor’s tolerance for financial risk is an important factor to consider when determining an appropriate investment risk profile for a specific investment, in addition to the investor’s objectives for the investment and the investor’s capacity to take investment risks.

Please complete all the questions of the Oxford Risk Tolerance Assessment Questionnaire below.

The questions relate to your general attitude to investing and your capacity to take risk. It should not be influenced by any particular investment or need you are contemplating.

For each of the 18 questions, indicate your level of agreement with each statement by selecting one of the options. Indicate your preferred options thoughtfully and honestly – there are no right or wrong answers. If you believe a statement is open to interpretation give the response that feels most intuitive to you. There is no option for ‘don’t know’ – do not use the middle option to mean this.

To read more about the purpose of a risk profile analysis, click here.

Note: This risk tolerance assessment includes intellectual property licensed from Oxford Risk and may only be used as permitted under the terms of the license.

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Step 1 of 6

  • Please select the option that reflects your level of agreement with each statement.

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