Frequently Asked Questions : Protea Hotels by Marriott®
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Protea Hotels by Marriott®
Can I make a booking for any day of the week at Protea Hotels by Marriott®?
Yes, you can make an accommodation reservation for any day of the week provided the booking is made three days in advance of stay and includes a Saturday in the reservation.
Can I use my Sanlam Reality benefit to book at any Protea Hotels by Marriott® in South Africa?
Yes, this depends on availability, as well as standard Protea Hotel terms and conditions.
Can I book accommodation for my family members with Protea Hotels by Marriott® ?
Yes, but only registered dependants on the Family membership options can book and stay at Protea Hotels by Marriott®. Registered dependants can book accommodation using their own Sanlam Reality membership number. The registered family members do not have to stay with the principal member.
How do I change the date of my Protea Hotels by Marriott® booking?
If you wish to change the date of your accommodation booking, you can only do so by calling Sanlam Reality on 0860 732 548/9 and following the voice prompts for Protea Hotels by Marriott®. Note, if you change your booking, you will lose the original discount and also pay an administration fee.
How do I book Protea Hotel accommodation?
Go to the Protea Hotels benefit page to book your accommodation.
Which membership options qualify?
This benefit only applies to Reality Plus and Reality Core.
How do I change the date of my Protea Hotels booking?
If you wish to change the date of your accommodation booking, you can only do so by calling Sanlam Reality on 0860 732 548/9 and following the voice prompts for Protea Hotels. Note, if you change your booking, you will lose the original discount and also pay an administration fee.
Can I book accommodation for my family members with Protea Hotels?
Yes, but only registered dependants on the Family membership options can book and stay at Protea Hotels. Accommodation can be booked for registered family members using the principal member’s Sanlam Reality membership number. The registered family members do not have to stay with the principal member.