Frequently Asked Questions : Sanlam Virtual Doctor

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Sanlam Virtual Doctor

Which membership options qualify?

This benefit is exclusive to Wealth Bonus Lifestyle for Sanlam Corporate members.

What is Virtual Doctor?

As a SUS member you know have free access to a General Practitioner or a nurse via the Sanlam Member Portal or Sanlam My Retirement App. This means you can book a consultation from anywhere with a nurse or doctor whenever you need this service! Even if you are not a member of a medical aid.

What can I see the Virtual Doctor for?

You can use the Virtual Doctor facility to speak to a healthcare professional when you are sick or have questions around an existing condition.

When are the doctors and nurses available?

Doctors and nurses are available during the following hours:

Monday – Friday -  08:00 - 18:00

Saturdays - 08:00 - 13:00

Sundays and Public holidays - No service

How do I book a consultation?

Go to and follow the detailed step-by-step process.

Do I need to have medical aid cover for the virtual consultations?

No medical aid is required to access the Virtual Doctor consultations.