Frequently Asked Questions : Emirates Flights

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Emirates Flights

The discount may only be used on economy class flights.

If you wish to change the date of your discounted flight, you can only do so by calling Sanlam Reality on 0860 732 548/9 and following the voice prompts for Emirates. Note, if you change your booking, you may lose the original discount and also pay an administration fee.

Which flight classes can the discount be used on?

The discount may only be used on economy class flights.

How is my discount calculated?

Your discount is related to your membership option and your tier status. It is calculated on the flight portion of your total airfare and not on the taxes.

What constitutes a ‘return flight’ for the purposes of this benefit?

A return flight consists of an outward and inward journey with the same start and end point (within the Emirates network), regardless of connecting flights.

Are there any special conditions when making a booking?

Yes, you need to book a return flight at least two days’ prior to your travel date.

How many flights may I book per year using the Emirates discounted offer?

The maximum number of flights that you may book per year is:

  • Reality Plus Single = 2 return bookings per year
  • Reality Plus Family = 6 return bookings per year

Can I use somebody else’s credit card to make payment?

Yes, you may pay with any credit card, but you may have to bring a copy of the front and the back of that credit card with you when you check in for your flight.

How do I change the date of my discounted Emirates flight booking?

If you wish to change the date of your discounted flight, you can only do so by calling Sanlam Reality on 0860 732 548/9 and following the voice prompts for Emirates. Note, if you change your booking, you may lose the original discount and also pay an administration fee.

How do I book flights?

Go to the Emirates benefit page to book your tickets.

Which membership options qualify?

This benefit only applies to Reality Plus.

Can I buy tickets for my family with the Emirates discounted offer?

Yes, but only registered dependants on the Family membership options can book flights and fly with Emirates. Registered dependants can book flights using their own Sanlam Reality membership number. The registered family members do not have to fly with the principal member.